Ad Details
Ad ID: 1904
Added: October 3, 2018
Location: India
State: Kerala
City: Manjeri
Views: 1908
3G mobile World’s product range covers Mobile Phones and Accessories, Lap Tops, Cameras, Tablets etc. of leading brands like Samsung, Apple, HTC, LG, Vivo, Lenovo etc.. Wide range of collections to suit your budget and choice with un compromising quality makes us distinct from others. At 3G mobile World you are able to choose your requirements of any type, with the help of our Customer friendly sales team who strive together as a team to deliver you the best with a focus on Cost and quality. We take care of all after sales service issues in a hassle free manner without troubling the customer in any manner. The level of service excellence, attention to minute details and the quality of product we deliver has made us a strong satisfied customer base.